Give the Gift of Counseling for those who are struggling this holiday season! image

Give the Gift of Counseling for those who are struggling this holiday season!

The Holiday Season is HARD for many and you can help!

$4,725 raised

$10,000 goal

/ 150


We are fundraising this holiday season to help cover the cost counseling services for those in our community!

We know the holidays are not always Merry for many. We strive to help support those who are struggling with their mental health by providing referrals to excellent local counseling and therapy providers as well as financial assistance for individuals needing services as a result of emotional and mental health challenges. Positive mental health and wellbeing not only feels good, but helps you cope with everyday stresses, work more productively, and contribute more to your community and personal relationships. For most—especially those without health insurance—struggling with a mental health issue can mean high medical expenses. We do not want financial hardship to be a barrier for individuals needing help, but without insurance or financial means to pay for services.

Your donation does make a difference and can literally save a life! Without the support and donations of giving individuals like yourself we cannot do what we do to help others. In 2022 we paid out over $20.000 in counseling services for those in need! The requests for help continue to grow so we truly appreciate your financial support now and throughout the year!